Bulk Image Background Remover

Remove backgrounds from multiple images with one click. Ideal for e-commerce product photos, marketing materials, social media content, and graphic design projects.

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100% Privacy-Friendly Warranty
Our tools are 100% privacy-friendly, meaning your images don't go to any server for processing. Everything happens on your device.
All other tools out there keep a copy of your image on their server for processing. You can't be 100% sure that your image will be deleted afterwards.
But if you use this tool, I guarantee that your images never leave your computer. They stay on your device and are processed there. Hence, it's 100% privacy-friendly.
Use our tools with peace of mind.
Processed Images and Counting

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I enable multiple downloads?

If the total zip file size exceeds the browser limit, the file will be downloaded in parts. To do this, you need to enable multiple downloads in your browser.

For Chrome: Go to Settings > Privacy and Security > Permissions > Additional Permissions > Automatic Downloads, and allow imagetoolshub.com to automatically download multiple files.

For other browsers, please search online for instructions on enabling this setting.

How can I make image processing faster?

To optimize image processing speed:

1. Keep your browser window open and active throughout the processing. Avoid minimizing it.

2. Stay on the processing tab, or keep it open in a side window. Switching to another browser tab may pause processing, as browsers limit resources for inactive tabs.

3. If the tool uses AI, ensure you have an internet connection to initialize AI models, even though the actual image processing doesn't require it.

4. If possible, use a dedicated monitor or split your screen to keep the processing tab visible while working on other tasks.

5. Don't put your computer into sleep mode during processing. This may pause or slow down the processing.

By following these steps, you can help maintain processing speed and avoid unnecessary interruptions.

Why does image processing seem to be stuck when compressing large images?

When you select the 'Compress output image' option, processing can take a considerable amount of time for large images, such as those with dimensions of 50000x50000 pixels or larger. These high-resolution images are uncommon in everyday use. Compression of such large files typically requires extended processing, varying based on file size and your device's capabilities. Please be patient during this process.

Is the background remover tool compatible with mobile devices?

Due to resource constraints on mobile devices, I recommend using a desktop for background removal of images. The best browser to use for background removal is Chrome. It has default caching capability, which means it doesn't have to download AI models again and again.

How can I remove backgrounds from multiple images?

After you have chosen multiple images, a 'Start Removing Background' button will appear. Simply click on it.

Is signing up required to remove backgrounds from images?

No sign-up is required at all. Remove backgrounds from your images online instantly. Your images are your property and remain on your machine.

How does this background remover tool respect my privacy?

Your images stay on your machine; they don't go to any server for background removal. The process occurs solely within your browser.

Where is the application of image background remover?

E-commerce: Background remover helps to enhance product images by removing distracting backgrounds, making them more appealing to potential customers.

Marketing: Background remover is used in marketing materials to highlight products or create visually striking advertisements.

Social Media: Background remover can be used to create engaging content for social media platforms, such as profile pictures or posts.

Photography: Photographers use background remover to edit images and create artistic effects or to isolate subjects for compositing.

Graphic Design: Designers use background remover to create clean and professional-looking compositions for websites, advertisements, and print materials.

I lost my license key. How can I retrieve it?

Click on 'Manage License' at the bottom of the page and log in with your purchase email.

How many devices can I use with ImageToolsHub simultaneously with one license?

You can use ImageToolsHub with 5 devices simultaneously with one license.

Can I cancel my subscription?

Yes, you can cancel your subscription at any time if it doesn't meet your needs.

Can I get a refund?

We cannot offer refunds as time and costs incurred for development and server costs for tools are extremely high. You can cancel any time though and your subscription ends.

How many files can my computer process in parallel?

Your computer hardware can process 1 files in parallel.